Sunday, May 22, 2011


This week I decided to take a little hiatus from the love languages, to talk about something I believe to be true.

Ever want the company of a boy/girlfriend or friend and text them to come hang, only to be met with a bunch of questions? "What is there to do?" "How long will it take me to get there?" Basically, the fundamental point that they are trying to find out is, "Will it be worth my time to come out?"

The response in my head goes something like this, "You're spending time with me, what the frik, does it matter what we do?"

In the olden days, I would have tried to bribe them with, "Well, I can make you dinner..."(which usually worked). Now that I'm getting older, I have come to the conclusion that if it has to be me plus xyz, it simply is not worth the effort.

Now, in all fairness, I do live in a small town that has very little to offer entertainment wise;however, I am under the conviction that if I am interested in you, we could be watching paint dry or skipping rocks in the local creek and be immensly satisfied as long as we are shooting the breeze.

I understand that this isn't going to work every Saturday night, but relationships are a give and take situation and I am usually more than willing to come to where the action is, but it shouldn't be a burden to come to my stomping grounds every once in while.

Ok, enough said.

Next week, I will resume the Love Languages. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty low maintenance, but even I think watching paint dry sounds kinda boring. I'm down if you're cooking dinner though... xP
