Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Language of Love Part 4 & *5

Test...paper...project, test...paper...project...Does test beat project? That's right kids it's finals week and I don't know which assignment to tackel first. As an added bonus, for the past three weeks, I've been battling the worst case of bronchitus to date.  And to top things off, it looks like the clutter monster just threw up in my room.

I honestly don't know why I ever complain about not having enough clothes. Right now, I'm wishing I had adopted the minimalist mentality. I'd give anything to have just one clean pair of unmentionables and a maid.

"By acts of service, I mean doing things you know your spouse would like you to do. You seek to please her by serving her, to express your love for her by doing things for her.", says Dr. Chapman. He goes on to say, "They require thought, planning, time effort, and energy. If done with a positive spirit, they are indeed expressions of love."

In the back of the book, there is a quiz that each guy and girl can take to find out which love language they speak. Last weekend, I was over at my grandpa and grandmas' house and decided to give them the quiz. After my grandmother took the quiz, it was obvious that her love language was acts of service. "I just need help...", she laughingly says while sitting next to grandpa.

Now grandpa's love language is physical touch, but after 63 years of marriage, he has learned to speak hers. "He carries my boxes for me without me having to ask him", she says in reference to the various antique displays she sets up at different museums.

When asked whether she reciprocates the acts of service, she responded by saying, "Oh Yes! I wash his hair and his feet."

It takes time to learn a loved one's love language, but don't be afraid to learn from mistakes and ask probing questions like, "Do you feel loved when I..."

                                    1950's- Grandma washing Grandpa's hair

* Some may think it is a cop-out, not to write about the love language of gifts, but honestly I have sought after a suitable subject, and have come to the conclusion that either this language doesn't exist, or that people are afraid that they may look materialistic and don't answer the questions to the quiz honestly. If you think you may be a "gifts" person, email me and I would love to interview you. For now, I am moving on to more pressing material. Thanks for reading.

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