Sunday, June 5, 2011

Love & Expectations

Sometimes, I wonder what the wive's, of great leaders, expections are going into the marriage. Are they prepared for the lonely nights and all the publicity. Do they understand what they will be sacrificing on a daily basis?

"Love never fails."-1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Basically, what can be derived from these passages, is that love is an outward (selfless) force and not an inward (selfish) one. When we choose to love someone, is it fair to place any expectation on him or her? Is it really love when we do that? And aren't the vows that are spoken during a marriage ceremony expectations? And what about my companionship needs regarding the emotional, mental, and physical aspect, how will they get met?

The original New Testament was written in Greek. When the word 'love' is translated, it appears agape in the original text. According to renowned Author C.S. Lewis and his book "The Four Loves", agape love is the love that sustains and lavishes itself  upon a relationship regardless of the circumstance. He recognizes this love as the highest form.

Abigail Adams was the first wife of President John Adams. She was known for her outspokenness on the subjects of women's education and property rights along with her extensive letters to husband during the Revolutionary War and his stay in Philadelphia with the Continental Congress.

Perhaps we don't consider the selflessness of our founding fathers and their wives enough. Thank you to all the brave leaders and men and women who have fought so that I may freely write this post! I feel deeply grateful and deeply loved.

                                                     Abigail Adams

*Next week, I will go more indepth on the four loves and probably expound on agape love.

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